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Frequently asked questions


Please tell me about shipping options?

We use DHL Express for shipping, with their fantastic rates and reliable service. For more information click here.

How do the makers earn income?

I purchase directly from the maker, no haggling! They are absolutely thrilled to have a new market and new creative direction - so from them to you, thanks! We also directly employ 7 female tailors who are directly responsible for the creation of your robes and cushions.

What is Wild Makenge Root?

Makenge root comes from the makenge bush, endemic to the sandy soils of Western Zambia. Incredibly, the tree (combretum zeyheri) is not cut down for this - the root is exposed one metre away from the base of the tree, and then cut, which encourages the tree to make more roots! So the trees are actually farmed. Talk about sustainability.

In the Western Province, over 3500 weavers have come together, with many more coming onboard and leaving behind destructive income practices such as charcoal making and logging, with weaving providing a more regular and lucrative living. Makenge is an incredibly strong, sturdy and tightly woven material, with some of the baskets even being used to transport water!

What is Ilala Palm?

Ilala palm (hyphanae coriacea) is endemic to Southern Zambia and Zimbabwe, and a component of many of the traditional woven objects you will have seen from Africa. Weavers use the spine and leaf of the palm to create baskets, trays and a myriad of other objects with patterns created with vegetable dyes.